
Policies and Procedures

Page history last edited by Deborah J. Leslie 11 years, 2 months ago



  1. Search record in Hamnet
  2. Search Worldcat 
    1. Select the record with the most holdings attached, even if it isn't the best record
    2. Make sure the record  is for the book, not microfilm or electronic resource
      ELvl = I
      040 = <originating library> |b eng |e dcrmb
  3. Use the cataloging checklist 



752 Hierarchical Place Name

This field ends with a full stop unless other mark of punctuation is present.


  • Use this field for each place that has been explicitly named in connection with the publication or creation of a work. This includes the place where an event (such as a lecture) took place or was intended to take place.
  • If a place name has a parenthetical qualifier necessary for disambiguation, do not interpose it in 752 ǂc. Instead, subdivide according to the 781 field in the authority record. E.g., 752 Germany ǂd Weimar (Thuringia). (R&C #3, 12/10/2007)
  • Australia is an exception to following the 781 in the authority record; interpose the state name between country and city, just as we do for Great Britain, Canada, and the U.S. It differs from the practice used for Weimar and Beaumont as illustrated below--the latter uses the qualifier to disambiguate cities of the same name.



ǂa Country or larger entity (NR)

  • Start with the country name, even if the first order political division is used in subject and form headings. (Do not follow the example in the MARC 21 format)

ǂb First-order political jurisdiction (NR)

ǂc Intermediate political jurisdiction (R)

  • Country or region names. Use only when ǂd is not used

ǂd City name (NR)

ǂf City subsection (R)

  • For works dealing with jurisdictions now contained in London or New York proper, use "London" or "New York" only in 655's and 752's. Subdivide only to the city in subject headings (per the Subject Headings Manual).



752  Great Britain ǂb England ǂd London.
752  Great Britain ǂb England ǂd Beaumont (Essex)
752  Great Britain ǂb England ǂd Beaumont (Cumbria)
752  Great Britain ǂb England ǂc Sussex.
752  Great Britain ǂb Scotland ǂd Edinburgh.
752  Ireland ǂd Dublin.
752  United States ǂb New York (State) ǂd New York.
752  Canada ǂb Ontario ǂd Toronto.
752  Australia ǂb Victoria ǂd Melbourn.
752  France ǂd Paris.
752  Germany ǂd Weimar (Thuringia)



Use this field to record the shelfmark, and as available, accession number, cataloger's initials and date, other private notes, and public notes about the copy.

The order of multiple 852s doesn't matter.


  • Indicators: 1st = 8 for non-LC shelfmarks; 0 for LC shelfmarks. Second indicator blank.


  • ǂb Collection, containing physical location. Subsequent holdings on a record with the same location must be given an altered location code.
    • For non-LC shelfmarks on Deck C: DeckC-Rare / DeckC-R1 / DeckC-R2 etc.
    • For LC shelfmarks on Deck C (i.e., Cage and Sh.Col.): DeckC-Rare / DeckC-RLC1 / DeckC-RLC2
    • For non-LC art shelfmarks: DeckB-Art / DeckB-A1 --
    • For LC art shelfmarks: DeckB-Art / DeckB-ALC1
    • For microfilm: DeckB-Mic / DeckB-M1


  • ǂk Call number prefix. These do not index in the shelfmark index. Use "Bd.w." only if this prefix was assigned to the shelfmark for the first item, e.g., ǂk Bd.w. ǂhSTC 7251


  • ǂh Classification number. For art, the entire shelfmark, except the size designation, will usually go in this subfield.


  • ǂi Book number. This subfield is used exclusively for LC call numbers


  • ǂm Size designation. This is used only when we know for certain where the item is housed in the art vault cabinets (i.e. if it has been seen with your own eyes, or has the size hand-written in green on the shelflist or official main entry card).


  • ǂj Accession number. Currently, all items added to the collection receive a 6-digit accession number. The shelfmarks of most printed rare materials are based on the accession number. Items acquired before this practice may have case numbers, the name of a person, or a date. *If ac or F precedes a six-digit accession number, delete, leaving just the six numerals
    • do not delete the cs that precedes case numbers
    • if item in hand does not have a case or accession number associated with it, enter no case or acc. number present (if presence or absence can't be determined, e.g. item in hand can't be disturbed in its frame, use no case or acc. number visible)


  • ǂx Private note for the original cataloger's initials (also, the reviser's initials for substantive revisions on cards; not used during the recon phase), and other notes not suitable for public display.

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