
Miscellaneous Folger Policies

Page history last edited by Deborah J. Leslie 11 years, 2 months ago

Rare Book Cataloging


Pre-1831 printed books


British and Irish government documents

For British and Irish government documents, we will substantially follow the practice of the ESTC in formulating uniform titles, which is quite different from AACR2. The purpose in doing so is 1) most or all of the copy for these materials come from the ESTC, and 2) the uniform title formulation allows for very easy search and sorting of acts, proclamations, &c. Below are some basic guidelines; the ESTC documentation will be scanned and posted. Take note of the absence of subfielding between the uniform title and the date.


  • For collections of acts of the English and British Parliament and other enacted laws that are complete within a chronological period, use


240 10 Public general acts. 1685-1707


  • For collections of acts and other enacted laws corresponding to a particular session of Parliament, use the collective uniform title followed by the ESTC citation, which is formulated by a combination of the calendar year of enactment, the reigning monarch's regnal year.


240 10 Public general acts. 1731. 4 Geo.II


  • For selected collections of acts, &c., add the form term |k Selections at the end. (Deviation from ESTC style)


240 10 Public general acts. 1742. |k Selections


  • For individual acts, &c., use the uniform title as above, but add the chapter number.


240 10 Public general acts. 1731. 4 Geo.II.c.6


  • For Scottish laws and other kinds of documents (e.g., bills, parliamentary papers, bills, proclamations, speeches, treaties), consult the head of cataloging.



Matching to the English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC)

  1. Match
    • Search the ESTC database to find a record that matches your copy
    • Follow the ESTC instructions on which points have to match
    • Regardless of the cataloging source code in the 040 'dcrb', their records are not standard cataloging. Feel free to use information from ESTC records in your own record, but do not necessarily imitate their cataloging conventions or decisions.
    • Since the ESTC transcribes original punctuation, carefully compare the punctuation on your resource with the ESTC record, noting any differences. Eighteenth-century records use some unusual abridgments in the imprint field, but it still should be possible to compare punctuation.
    • Even if you are cataloging from copy that has an ESTC number, it is a good idea to do a keyword search anyway. The database is dynamic, and new editions or issues may have been discovered since the base copy was cataloged
  2. Add our holding
    • With the record displayed in Full mode, select "Add holding" button at top
    • Add our shelfmark according to our established shelfmark syntax
    • If your 852 |z has anything about imperfections, or identifies its state, copy that information into the "Copy note" box. (This will be rare)
    • Copy and paste the rest of your 852 |z into the "Provenance and binding" box
    • Select "Update" button, then close window
  3. If there is information you think the ESTC staff should know, use the "Annotation" hyperlink from the full record display.
  4. Add the ESTC ID number to your cataloging record if not already present
  5. If your copy does not exactly match an ESTC record, or there is any question about it, please consult your supervisor.


Reporting to the ESTC

If your edition or issue is not in the ESTC, you need to report it.


  1. After cataloging an edition or issue not recorded in the ESTC, email the marc-tagged cataloging record to Christine Straitt at christine.straitt@ucr.edu, with a digital photograph of the title page attached, along with a selection of other pages illustrating differences between already-recorded editions and yours.
  2. Your subject line should be DFo report; for our convenience, you may append the item's shelfmark or accession number to the subject line.
  3. The scan should be titled DFo[shelfmark]_tp [or other designation of page].jpg. E.g., DFo151059_tp.jpg
  4. Add a general 500 note in your cataloging record: 500 Not in ESTC [yyyymmdd]. When the record is created, they will usually send you an email with the new ESTC number, which you can put in a 510 in your new record and delete the 500 "Not in" note.
  5. Always check with supervisor before reporting anything.
  6. Place .jpg on the I drive: I:\ESTC\ESTC Ereports




18mo in 9's


  • Hector Macdonald, “A book gathered in nines”, The Bibliotheck, 7 (1974-75), 76-78, referring to C. Stower, The printers’ grammar (London, 1808), p. 199, on 18mo books printed by half sheet imposition, and Gaskell, New introduction, p. 329. Hector is describing NLS H.M.289, an Edinburgh imprint of 1781 = ESTC T87195 where the format is given as 18mo. He records the collation of this book as a2 A-N9 O7 and says that in gatherings A-N you can see the sewing between the fourth leaf and its conjugate and the fifth leaf is tipped into the inner margin of the conjugate of the fourth leaf, which matches your description. (I’ve not examined our book myself.) [From Brian Hillyard, National Library of Scotland, on DCRM-L]


  • Brian Hubber, "Eighteenmo in Nines: An Experimental Technique," Bibliographical Society of Australia and New Zealand Bulletin, 7 (1983), 183-186 [From Manon Theroux on DCRM-L]



  • ref. PR2752 1825L Sh.Col. Select comedies from Shakspeare, Boston, William Bellamy, 1825


500  The 5th leaf in gatherings A through L is an inserted singleton. For more information on 18mo's in 9's, see Hector Macdonald, “A book gathered in nines”, The bibliotheck, 7 (1974-1975): 76-78.



Sammelband is the name for a volume of works bound together subsequent to publication; they are also called "bound-withs."

In contrast to our treatment of modern materials bound together, individual titles within rare Sammelbands each have a unique bibliographic, holding, and item record, and unique shelfmark. These records are identified as belonging together by means of a copy-specific note, and accession numbers and shelfmarks formulated to show the position of the title within the volume. Notes are made in the same manner as for modern bound-withs. See Standard syntax of Folger shelfmarks for formulating the shelfmarks.


Special Projects


Pre-1831 transfers

Cataloger instructions for transferring 1801-1830 books to the Cage

Effective immediately, these books will be physically integrated into the Cage collection instead of kept on separate holding shelves. Their location will be automatically changed to DeckC-Rare, and Reading Room staff will deliver the transfer books instead of the cataloger signing them out, but all other processing will remain the same.

Reading Room provides a truck of pre-1831 transfers


  • They will prepare a new truck upon the delivery of the current truck; ask Rosalind if a new truck isn't delivered within a reasonable amount of time

Update Hamnet bibliographic record


  • If the current shelfmark is in an 090 field, re-formulate it as an 852 field


  • Delete fields 090, 950, 955


  • Add "Folio" or "Flat" at the head of the shelfmark if appropriate, and the year of publication and "Cage" at the tail of the shelfmark


  • Add the accession number to 852 ǂj of the bib record. Delete the "ac" prefix. Do not, however, delete a "cs" prefix--that stands for "case" and refers to the original Folger cases unpacked when the library opened


  • Do not order cards


  • Add a private transfer note in the 852 ǂx of the MARC bibliographic and the MARC holdings record with your initials and the date:


852 0_ ... ǂx Transferred from Deck B EGB 20071115


  • With the following exceptions, do not make any attempt to upgrade the cataloging to modern standards or make any other changes to the bibliographic record.


  • Transfer all copy-specific notes found in 590 or 876 fields to the 852ǂz, taking care that the information pertains to that particular volume in the event of multiple copies. Delete the 590 or 876 fields.


  • If there is a bookplate or a legible autograph that is not already indicated in the record: create or add to the 852ǂz and record it in this form: Bookplate: {transcribed name} or Autograph [not "Signature"]: {transcribed name.} If it is an armorial bookplate, use this form:


ǂz Armorial bookplate (motto: Clarum reddidit industria) of W.H. Mill

or, if there is no personal or family name on the bookplate:

ǂz Anonymous armorial bookplate (motto: Tuum est)


852 0_ ǂb DeckC-Rare ǂk Flat ǂh BT1100 ǂi .J5 1805 Cage ǂj 186620  ǂx Transferred from Deck B EGB 2006-12-11 ǂz Armorial bookplate (motto: Prodesse quem conspici): John Somers, Lord Somers

Check for the presence of other works bound in subsequent to publication, and if found, follow the rules pertaining to rare Sammelbands.

Update Hamnet holdings and item records


  • Copy the entire 852 field to the holdings record


  • If it is a multi-volume set, add field 866 to the Holdings record (see xxx)


  • Change the item record to reflect the new location and item type


Perm. loc.: DeckC-Rare Stacks
Item Type: Rare Book


  • Open the barcode window and type "Cage." This will force the barcode to become inactive. Do not delete the inactive barcode, however


Physical processing of transfers


  • Using a #1 pencil, cross out the shelfmark in the front of the book


  • Write the revised shelfmark in the back (see Cataloging Department documentation Rare Material Processing)


  • Make no attempt to remove the barcode or shelfmark label. If the barcode is on a Mylar band, however, cut the band off and insert it in the book. (It will be helpful for the reading room when discharging the book before re-shelving)


  • If there is anything tipped or laid in: set aside for consultation with supervisor


  • If there are extensive manuscript notes: set aside for consultation with supervisor


  • Make and insert acid-free book flags (see Cataloging Department documentation "Rare Material Processing")


  • Re-house small, thin materials, if necessary, in acid-free sleeves.


  • Return truck with books to Deck C and leave it with a sign reading "Cage Transfers, Please shelve"


  • Mark each record updated as "Record updates" on the statistics sheet


Cataloging procedures for the NEH Shakespeare Collection Project


Vault modern


These are post-1830 materials containing sufficient artifactual value to reside in the vault.


  • Give them AACR2 descriptive cataloging (fields 1xx-4xx). Generally, upgrade to AACR2
  • Handle them as rare materials, including provisions about not leaving them unattended. (Exception: Shakespeare Collection materials that are accessioned as modern materials need no special handling before cataloging.)
  • Except for new Shakespeare translations, give them copy-specific notes and headings relevant to cataloging rare materials (referred to in-house as "special collections cataloging"). These include:
    • General note identifying artists, illustrators, and printmakers if applicable
    • Copy-specific note: transcription (if feasible) of bookplates, autographs, inscriptions, ms. annotations in the text.
    • Copy-specific note: basic binding description, featuring style, covering material, and approximate age
    • Name added entries for printmakers, illustrators; former owners, signers, inscribers, annotators. Establish non-copy-specific headings in the LC/NACO Authority File if necessary
    • Form/genre added entries
    • If adding a holding to an existing record or doing copy cataloging, look at the whole record to make sure both the fixed and variable fields are accurate.
    • Make sure all copy-specific fields end with ǂ5 DFo
  • Add a 752 for every place name involved in creation, publication, distribution, and manufacture
  • Make an 856 link to any easily-available online facsimiles



Comic books


  • Comic books of Shakespeare usually go into the Sh.Misc. collection
  • Comic books are considered an adaptation of the original work, even if dialogue from the original work is used. Enter under the heading for the adaptation with an added entry for the original work
  • Make a note on the nature of the comic book, unless this information is contained in the title or elsewhere in the record.

500 Comic book adaptation of Shakespeare's Macbeth, with selections of original dialogue incorporated into the color-illustrated narrative.


  • Add 655 for Comic books, subdivided by place and city of publication, year of publication, and ǂ2 rbgenr.

655 _7 Comic books ǂz New York (State) ǂz New York ǂy 1955. ǂ2 rbgenr


  • Do not add a subject heading for Shakespeare and/or the work, with or without the subdivisions ǂx Adaptations ǂv Comic books, strips, etc.


Galley and page proofs


  • Handled by a book cataloger
  • Use BKS format (Type code t–Manuscript language material)
  • Use place of publication for Ctry fixed field
  • Complete all descriptive fields based on available information, including 260 field
  • Do not use a GMD in the 245
  • Transcribe or supply an edition statement; this is the only way to keep the record for the proof from being merged automatically by OCLC into the record for the published book if the primary information is the same. E.g.
250 Advance, uncorrected galley.
250 [Galley proof]
250 [Uncorrected page proofs]


  • Use 240 for title of the published work if different from the title proper of the proof
  • Use 655 _7 Proofs ǂz Country ǂz City ǂy century. ǂ2 rbpri
  • Manuscript cataloger may be asked to draft a copy-specific note if proof is annotated or otherwise marked up. Annotations and other markings will be in the 852 ǂz copy-specific tag.


Pressbooks and souvenir programs

These are ART Vols. cataloged by book catalogers. Pressbooks were issued by studios to help theater owners promote particular films. Souvenir programs can be for either films or stage productions.


  • Make a 500 note on the nature of the resource.


500 Souvenir booklet from Katharine Cornell's 1947 production of Antony and Cleopatra.



  • Make the appropriate 655, subdividing by century only.


  • Make 6xx's for the names of prominent actors, characters, and the play, depicted. If for a film, also make a 630 for the uniform title of the motion picture, depicted and a 730 for the motion picture.


  • Make a 700 for the original play.


  • Make a 700 name/title added entry for the original play.


  • Make a 7xx for the film or theater company promoting the film or production.


630 00 Ran (Motion picture), ǂe depicted. (or just the uniform title without "depicted"?)
600 10 Shakespeare, William. ǂt King Lear, ǂe depicted.
730 0  Ran (Motion picture).
700 1  Shakespeare, William. ǂt King Lear.

710 2  Theatre Guild.


Screenplays (mechanically-produced)

Use the following for mechanically-produced screenplays, whether typescript or produced through a commercial printer.


  • Use BKS format (Type code t–Manuscript language material)


  • Use code xx in Ctry


  • Do not use a GMD in the 245.


  • Omit place and publisher in field 260


  • Add a note on the nature of the item, unless it is explicit in the title and statement of responsibility area that the resource being cataloged is a screenplay.


  • Add a note about the draft/date if available.


  • Add a note about the copy number of the screenplay in field 852 ‡z (i.e., a copy-specific note).


  • Add 655 7 Film scripts


Example: 100 10 Norman, Marc, ǂd 1941-
245 10 Shakespeare in love / ǂc by Tom Stoppard ; from the original screenplay by Marc Norman.
260 ǂc c1997
300 129 leaves ; ǂc 31 cm.
500 Shooting script.
500 Shakepen Productions, Shepperton Studios; Copyright Miramax Film Corporation.
500 “Final draft 22nd January 1998.”
655 _7 Film scripts ǂy 20th century. ǂ2 rbgenr
700 1 Stoppard, Tom.
710 2 Shepperton Studios.
710 2 Miramax Films.
730 0_ Shakespeare in love (Motion picture)
852 8_ ǂb DeckC-Rare ǂh W.b.654 ǂj MS Add 1226 ǂz Copy number 18.


  • If the screenplay has resulted in a catalogable product--such as a motion picture--make a related work added entry unless it duplicates the title proper.


Screenplays (handwritten)

Catalog as a manuscript by manuscript catalogers


Shakespeare Collection grant workflow


Theses and Dissertations

Use the following for theses and dissertations, adapted from OCLC documentation (see http://www.oclc.org/bibformats/en/specialcataloging/default.shtm#CHDIHHJH for fuller instructions):


  • Although theses and dissertations (except for those born-digital) are technically manuscripts, they will normally be handled by a book cataloger.


  • Most microforms of theses, such as those from University Microfilms (UMI), are reproductions of unpublished copies of theses. Catalog them as such.


  • Use BKS format (Type code t–Manuscript language material) for book-like theses


  • Use code xx in Ctry for both original and reproduced theses.


  • For all reproduced theses, code Dt St? for the original.


  • Do not use a GMD in the 245.


  • Omit place and publisher in field 260


  • Omit series statements in 4xx per AACR2, rule 4.6.


  • Omit added entries for advisors, the institution, &c.


  • Enter a thesis note in field 502 (Dissertation Note)


  • Consult manuscript cataloger or curator if thesis is annotated.


  • Optional. If you describe a reproduced thesis in field 533 (Reproduction Note), you may enter a Ctry code for the place of reproduction in field 539 (Fixed-Length Data Elements of Reproduction Note) subfield ǂd (Place of publication, production or execution). You may also enter date information for the reproduced thesis in field 539 subfields ǂa, ǂb and ǂc. Such information is based on the data in field 533. See field 539 for more information.



-- Deborah Leslie - 20 Mar 2010


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