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last edited
by Deborah J. Leslie 10 years, 4 months ago
Amber Billey asked for help with this monstrously difficult title page. Yikes! Maybe we can help. I'll start.
- This is black letter, which means that every capital that looks like 'J' and 'U' is really 'I' and 'V' (dcrmb G4.1)
- "Iesus" and "Maria" would normally be considered separate words. Try searching with a space between the two words (dcrmb 0G4.2)
- The "Iesus Maria" may not be part of a title at all, but an invocation of sorts. What does look familiar in all this is a normal Latin title beginning with the genitive of the author's name: Pub Ouidii Nasonis preclarum opus ... '
- The imprint is clear, which may be a help in identifying the title and/or pointing to more sources of information: Venundantur Lugduni a Stephano Gueynard ...[Sold in Lyons by Stephanus Gueynard]
- It's been verified: The "Iesusmaria" is a pious invocation. Even though it comes first in the list of things to be silently omitted, I'd never seen one until now.

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Comments (5)
Deborah J. Leslie said
at 1:11 pm on Nov 18, 2013
Bob and I worked on the transcription, and I further consulted a friend of mine who has very strong Latin skills, who helped in parsing the grammar. For example, impressum and castigatum both modify "opus," so the whole phrase is the title proper. And "singularium interpretum" is genitive plural referring to the commentators, so everything from "cum" to the end of the title that has to be that can't be .
245 10 Pub. Ouidii Nasonis preclarum opus de nouo impressum, et a mendis castigatu[m] : ‡b in quo continentur hij libri partiales, videlicet liber Herodium epistolarum, liber Sapphus, libellus in Ibin : cum expositione familiari Antonij Volsci, Vbertini clerici Cresentinatis, Domitij, Calderini et Iodici Badij singularium interpretatum.
260 Venundantur Lugduni [Lyon] : ‡b A Stephano Gueynard prefate ciuitatis bibliopola et ciue, in Vico Mercuriali (vulgariter en la rue Merchiere) prope Sanctum Antonium <... plus any additional information about printing and/or date of publication in ‡c (‡e : ‡f, ‡g)>
It would be possible to consider the clause beginning "cum" to be the beginning of a statement of responsibility instead of other title information, but since there's no verb phrase included, I think it works better as the latter. The capitalization of the included titles is also a matter of judgment. I am considering the word "liber" and "libellus" to be a description rather than part of the title, because the pieces weren't published or referred to with those words as part of the title.
I would definitely provide title access to the top line. Perhaps like this:
246 1_ ‡i At head of title: ‡a Iesus Maria
246 3_ Iesusmaria
246 3_ Jesus maria
Deborah J. Leslie said
at 1:21 pm on Nov 18, 2013
Oops, I meant: ... And "singularium interpretum" is genitive plural referring to the commentators, so everything from "cum" to the end of the title that has to be one clause.
abilley said
at 12:15 pm on Nov 20, 2013
This is wonderful! Thank you so much for you're help on this. With the proper transcription I was able to find a German record in OCLC: 257482137
This is an area of protocol that I feel little unsure of...can I create a new English DCRMB record for this title now?
Deborah J. Leslie said
at 3:41 pm on Nov 22, 2013
Yes, if you have the 1511 edition. There's only a German-language record, then derive and create a new master.
But if you have the 1508, there are two English-language records: #42601503 or #79915358 (with typo in first word of title)
abilley said
at 4:47 pm on Dec 5, 2013
We do have the 1511, so here is my English record: #864717954
Let me know what you think :)
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